If you had a great purchase or service experience from a dealer let everyone know about it. There are planety of great r-pod dealerships around, feel free to give yours some kudos!
Dealer reviews of all types, good and bad, are welcome and will never be deleted. Please avoid the use of actual employee names if the review is negative. Members can contact you via a PM if they would like to learn more detail.
Factual content will never be edited. However - slander and overt emotional responses (rants) will be edited. Users of this forum want to know what you think, but your audience will get lost if you write 10 paragraphs full of anger (or exaggerated kudos) when you could have written one with the facts.
This forum was founded on the firm belief that R-pod owners should have the freedom to share their experiences without interference from dealers, and as much as possible, from the moderators.
If a posting is questionable it will be reviewed by the moderator team before being edited. An explanation will be included to indicate what was changed, and why.